13 Tort Actions: Coast Guard Under Fire for Alleged Culture of Sexual Misconduct
"I know that there are many, many more survivors out there who experienced sexual assault at the Coast Guard Academy and my hope is that with the publicity ... other survivors will feel empowered to come forward and reach out to us," said Christine Dunn of Sanford Heisler Sharp, one of the complainants' attorneys. "I believe that if there are enough people standing together making noise, it's very hard to ignore."
Identifying and Articulating Your Differentiator
How to Convey Your Merits In a Way That Earns Trust, Clients and Distinctions While humility is incredibly important in business and law, it is equally important to identify and articulate what you do well — really well — in your practice. Those who can ascertain, embrace and communicate their differentiator(s) will be well-positioned for steady practice and client growth.